Wrapping Up December | Wrap Institute
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Wrapping Up December

January 1, 2017 Issue
The Wrap Institute Newsletter

Happy 2017 everyone! I hope the holidays treated you well and that you are ready for another year of learning and earning. As always, let’s begin with the videos released the previous month:

As the wrap industry and The Wrap Institute continue to grow and change, the beginning of the year is a great chance to see what is in store.  

The beginning of the year will focus on interior wraps as well as the launch of Product Videos. These are more straightforward, fact-based videos on specific materials and tools, but we feel that this type of information is critical to understand. Every product/manufacturer makes their materials differently. Understanding these differences - like the right post-heating temperatures or lamination combos for instance - can mean the difference between profiting and taking a loss on a job.

The Wrap Institute will have a booth again at Wrapscon. This year it’s in Long Beach and we have a great game plan. All demos will be videotaped so if you can’t make it to the show, you'll be able to check them out on the site.

I have lots of trips planned this year – America, Australia, Japan, Thailand, Canada, Brazil, South Africa, Ireland and Denmark. One of the main things I love about these trips is the great unknown. What new techniques, tips and tools can I learn and share right away on TWI. So, what will be the new technique or material or wrap that changes the industry? Let’s find out.
