Wrapping Up February | Wrap Institute
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Wrapping Up February

March 1, 2017 Issue
The Wrap Institute Newsletter

Hello everyone – I hope the vinyl went down smooth in February. Here are the videos that were released:

Lots of exciting projects in the works at TWI. For March, videos scheduled to be released will be about tools, cars, Di-Noc and Product Videos.

I just got done shooting a very cool series with Phil Aquin, 3M Knifeless trainer. Look for these videos to come out in April. Really in-depth techniques that can create super solid profits. 

In April, I will be shooting production videos in LA with Adam Sumner, owner of Wrapix, as well as an X-Minutes video with Andy Soleimani, owner of Sticker City. After LA, I will be making a few videos with Casey Folk, owner of PDX Wraps in Portland. April also has plans to do in-depth PPF videos with Xpel so once the plans are solidified I will announce this. John Duever is making new business-oriented videos in March so look for these in April as well. Always critical to know how to price and wrap.

As you may have noticed, there have been some changes to the website - the main one being the Tools section revamp with added links to tools/products shown in the videos. Super exciting to now offer this to TWI users.

Here's how it works: if you like/want to know more about a tool used in a video, click the tool image thumbnail in the video description, or go to the Tool section and find it in the list.

As this function gets built out, it will also offer country-specific linking to help you quickly access the providers closest to you geographically. Keep in mind, The Wrap Institute is neutral, so we are not pushing one brand over another. We are simply trying to provide the links to distributors/manufacturers to help our users wrap better and smarter.

Best of success in March and keep on laying it down!
