Wrapping Up 2018 | Wrap Institute
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Wrapping Up 2018

Happy 2019 everyone! I hope the holiday season was a good one. Here are the videos released in December:

The 2019 video list starts off with a color change series on a Rolls Royce Ghost. Lots of cool tips on how to wrap tricky sections without getting tension on edges/corners or adhesive lines. Following this will be a series on a box truck and then one on PPF with Rainer Lorz.

After this, the goal is to come out with a series of design and production videos. These are for helping round out TWI’s video library so everyone in the wrap shop can benefit.

Also, we would like to hear from you. Feel free to go to the Forum and request a video (ps - you can now search the Forum for specific topics and questions using the search bar at the top of the page). This helps us feel the pulse of our viewers and cater the content to what you need to help take it to that next level. We have a lot of shooting dates in February and March with a lot of new tools, material and techniques. Exciting stuff.

As always, thank you so much for being a member of The Wrap Institute. 2018 was a banner year for TWI and we look to take that momentum and make 2019 even more beneficial for you members. Never Stop Learning!
