TWI Color Change: Lights, Camera, Wrap! - Toyota Supra Series For A Mo...
over 1 year ago
Created over 1 year ago
This front bumper is extremely challenging on multiple levels. To wrap this with high quality and low install times to meeting the budget, Dimas and Jim use a wide range of TWI tools and techniques to minimize tension and get 100% full coverage. Keep in mind that this bumper was wrapped in 8 pieces yet looks like one piece. This is why you should watch this video. There are 2 videos focused on this front bumper and this one is on the main piece. Be sure to pay attention to how Dimas uses relief cuts and works in stages to relax the film. In addition, see how he gets full coverage under the headlight without taking it off or using 3M Knifeless Tape. If you are a TWI Pro, this is a great watch along with the other video in this series that focuses on the inlay pieces.
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