TWI Commercial Vehicle: Install with One Large Pre-seamed Panel

Created over 1 year ago

In this TWI how to video, you will see Justin and Scott wrap the side of a box truck with one giant panel. This was pre-seamed ahead of time and there is a separate video on this so be sure to watch that for tips on how to do this. In terms of the install, it goes much faster since the panels don’t have to be individually registered during the install. Yet, releasing the liner on a panel this big can be tricky. Be sure to pay attention to how Justin uses the white border on the panels for alignment. Once they release the liner then they use a combination of workflow and tools to seal the rivets and cut everything out cleanly and quickly. The key for this type of install is material so it needs to conform and be low tack. There are many types of film that fit this category and the one used in the video was: ORAJET 3551RA with ProSlide and ORAGUARD 290.

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