TWI Exclusive: Training The Wrap Tiger - Arlon Headquarters Plant Tour and Workshop

Created 9 months ago

In this video, you get an exclusive look into the first workshop and plant tour of Tigerlily (Wrap Tiger), daughter of Justin. The team at Arlon, who happened to be across from The Wrap Institute booth at FESPA Amsterdam in March 2024, offered for her to come to Arlon headquarters in the Los Angeles Area in April when the Pate family was on vacation there during Tigerlily's spring break. Included in the video are before and after talks with Tigerlily and Justin and, of course, the training. Tigerlily learned about really cool techniques and got to wrap a hood, textured walls, rivets, recessed doors and much more. A big thanks to the team at Arlon for hosting Justin and Tigerlily.

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