TWI Event: Vinyl Wrap Demos, HUGE PRIZE GIVEAWAYS & More! � LIVE CHARI...
over 2 years ago
Created over 4 years ago
This is part 4 of 6 segments from the amazing TWI Live event that was held at Yellotools in Windeck, Germany on September 5. This was a super exciting live event that went for almost 5 hours and featured some great demos and special guest presenters. Be sure to watch out for exclusive discounts that pop-up on the screen during this video for 10% off Yellotools products, 15% off an annual membership on The Wrap Institute and 20% off hands-on training at The Wrap Institute Center in Munich (www.wrapinstitute-center.com). These special codes are good until September 11. The two demos featured in episode 4 are: - A continuation of Justin's Feeding the Mouth demo - TWI Science of Wrapping: Adhesives with Ritchie Daize and Justin Pate - This demo is a great watch for all levels of installers. They breakdown the essential properties of the adhesives in order to give installers cutting edge logic. Enjoy!!! To use your special discounts go to: wrapinstitute.com yellotools.com wrapinstitute-center.com
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