TWI Color Change: Polymeric Calendar Film Car Wrap Series - BWM X1 Front Introduction

Created over 1 year ago

This is the introduction to an exciting new 6 part series on how to wrap a vehicle, in this case a BMW X1, with a polymeric color change calendar film. These types of wrap films are made by companies like Vvivid, Tiny Bot and Teckwrap which is the featured film in this series. These films have a great selection of colors and finishes and often come at a good price point. However, they can be a challenge to install due to their thickness and high initial tack when compared to cast films. In this series, Justin shows that by using Triple S along with the Wrap Matrix and Zero Stretch, wrapping with polymeric calendar film will be easier than ever. Be sure to check all of them out as they will help take your wrap game to an even higher level.

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