TWI Color PPF: "Purple Crush" - Limited Edition Porsche GT3 RS: Wet Ap...
about 1 year ago
Created about 1 year ago
At first glance you might think that the roof of this limited edition Porsche GT3 RS is very easy to wrap - no antenna, not very big and no recessed areas to speak of. Yet, for a color change wet PPF install, it's actually not as easy as it seems. The reason why is the color of the paint is light gray and there are tight rubber gaskets on all 4 sides. This combination - thick PPF, wet install and tight gaps can be a tough combination as the chance of getting cuts that come up short or cutting the rubber is very high. Luckily, Timm shows the right way to do it in this video which uses a combination of the right tools and getting a good workflow in terms of install and finishing days. This video is a master class on tucking and cutting so be sure to watch it to up your cutting game!
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