TWI Production: Super Design, Production and Install Series Part 3: Tiling Like Its 1999 - Tips For Vans (No Visible Overlaps)

Created almost 2 years ago

When it comes tiling on vans, most wrap shops tile like it was done back in 1999. This means going from back to front with vertical panels based on the width of the wrap film being used. This results in high production and install times plus low quality and durability. Justin talks about the power of 60” or 152cm wide film and mixing up horizontal and vertical panels for a big win. It cuts production times by 95% and lowers install times by 20%. Keep in mind that this is all part of a real world install TWI did for Mimaki USA. The information is tangible and realistic plus they tie in with the full install series on TWI so be sure to check that out.

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