TWI Color PPF: "Purple Crush" Limited Edition Porsche GT3 RS Wet Apply Color Change - Front Door with a Modified Precut Template

Created about 1 year ago

If this was a regular PPF install with transparent gloss PPF it would be a straight forward install. Yet this is a wet install PPF color change install which is next level. The reason why is the body of the Porsche GT3 RS is light gray plus the door handle and mirror are on the body. On option is to wrap it in a bulk piece but this is high risk in terms of cutting and getting dirt under the film during install. Instead, Rainer creates a modified precut template and then installs it. You will see how to prep the edges with adhesive promoter, align the film perfectly around the door handle without having to use a knife to finish and create a butt joint around the mirror. This is a special video for sure!

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