TWI New Website: Overview
8 months ago
Created 8 months ago
In this TWI Realtime video, Justin along with a bit of Yo Yo time from Marcos Schott, wraps the back bumper and hatchback of this Tesla Model 3 with one piece. By wrapping the hatchback and back bumper in one piece it saves a lot of time without sacrificing quality or coverage. The main take aways from this video are: TWI Wrap Matrix and Zero Stretch to get the OMEGA SKINZ on, how to relax the material at key points, cutting with the TWI Wrap Axes and how to feed the gap between the bumper and hatchback. This video was shot during a promotional and technical video shoot for OMEGA SKINZ so the information and techniques are very specific. So, if you are going to wrap with OMEGA SKINZ, this video is definitely wroth checkout out ahead of time in order to dial it in exactly.
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